Yes, no, undecided... Finding First Nations perspectives on the Voice

In Australia enrolling and voting is not only compulsory (meaning you’ll be fined if you’re eligible to and don’t), but it is a responsibility. It is the responsibility of each of us to consider the options and positions presented to us and cast our vote in order to determine the will of the people.

At YACSA, we’re not aligned with any political party or movement. What’s important for us in relation to this process is that all young people are informed about the process and head into a polling place on 14 October feeling confident in how it works and their understanding of their decision.

Below we’ve linked places where you can find discussions and perspectives on the Voice from First Nations people on all sides of the debate.

Zee Feed POV on the Voice

Zee Feed, who produce news and explainers for young people have collated perspectives from First Nations people who are voting Yes, No and who are undecided. There are a bunch of formats, from Tik Toks to podcasts and articles.

Four Corners The vote that will change Australia: Inside the Voice referendum (45:10)

The debate around the Voice has been unsettling and confusing for many; trying to navigate the politics has been hard. In this Four Corners, the ABC’s Voice Correspondent, Dan Bourchier, explores what self-determination looks like in different parts of the country. Dan finds communities ready and willing to vote Yes to the Voice, and others who are concerned it will divide the country.

NITV Voice Comment, Opinions and Analysis

The National Indigenous broadcaster, NITV have opinion pieces across different perspectives of First Nations people on the Voice. These are mostly about 5 minute reads with lots of direct quotes.