What are parliamentary titles and who gets them?

Now that we’re through South Australia’s state election (minus the Bragg by-election, more on that here) and the federal election, let’s talk about the parliamentary titles you might have seen throughout and following.

In SA there are MPs, MLCs and Hon. (Honorable) members, and where each individual parliamentarian sits and what their role is determines the title they hold.

To start with, MPs or Members of Parliament are the members in the House of Assembly (lower house). These members represent and were voted in by their electorate. For example, the Leader of the Opposition and Member for Black is David Speirs MP.

MLCs or Members of the Legislative Council are members elected to the Legislative Council (upper house) and all of these members are Honorable. For example, the Hon Robert Simms MLC holds the Youth portfolio for The Greens.

Cabinet Ministers and the speaker (more info on them here) in the lower house are also awarded the Hon. title. For example, the Minister for Human Services and Member for Hurtle Vale is the Hon Nat Cook MP.